

Hi, I’m Stephanie! I’m a yoga teacher who is passionate about helping people let go of the day and get into their bodies. 

In my past life, I was in the corporate grind. Through yoga, I discovered an overwhelming sense of peace and clarity. I spent many years developing my yoga practice alongside my corporate career, but I was ready to part ways with my day job when I decided that yoga isn’t just my passion. It’s my purpose. Since making it my career, I’ve developed a closer connection to everyone around me.

I teach a variety of classes to yoga students at every level of their practice, from retreats to bachelorette parties to classes at Shutters on the Beach and Casa del Mar in Santa Monica, CA, along with local studio classes. I lead a practice that is powerful, thorough, and well-supported. 

I believe our minds and bodies need to be cared for, nurtured and challenged daily. When I’m not on my mat, you can catch me cooking with my husband, chatting with my girlfriends, or wrapped up in a cozy blanket with my two cats and a good book.

Yoga is a powerful way to connect with your heart and spirit. A regular yoga practice complements all activity and lifestyles. Let's work on yours together.


200-Hour Teacher Training with Lauren Eckstrom and Travis Eliot’s Holistic Yoga Flow

300-Hour Teacher Training with YogaWorks

16-Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Sesa O’Connor

Yoga Teacher Mentorship with Mary Beth LaRue